Friday 8 April 2011

Sheba's Article


Have you ever come to think of why God created women virgins? Why when a man meets with a virgin woman, blood comes out? Why God made a distinction between a woman that is a virgin and a woman that is not a virgin, by a SEAL of blood?
Note: Everything in the physical is but a shadow of what is in the spiritual. You all know that a shadow has the same shape of the original (in most cases, as regards literal shadows).
Now the woman is a type of the church, and virginity signifies purity. Do you remember the scripture that says
“The foundation of the Lord standeth sure, having this seal the Lord knoweth those that are his” 2 Tim. 2:19b.
The seal in the physical realm is virginity which has to do with blood, while the spiritual seal is the Holy Ghost. In other words a woman is sealed by God as a virgin unto marriage, and the church is sealed with the Holy Ghost unto eternal life.
Remember when Jesus’ side was pierced, what came out was blood and water, signifying purity from sins through the blood of Jesus Christ, the  Holy Spirit which is the water that will quench our thirst, and we will thirst no more. Remember?  “Come to me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” Matt 11:28, which is rest from struggle to please God, rest from struggle to overcome sin, which is the Holy Ghost.
“And ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you”
1.       The power of transformation from a sinner to a saint
2.       The power to preach the Gospel
3.       The power to cast out devils
This is the seal of the Holy Ghost. The seal unto eternal life (The baptism of the Holy Ghost which is the third work of grace).

So many girls lose their virginity outside wedlock on daily bases because they do not have a real reason to keep it.
Some might ask, why should I remain a virgin till I get married, what’s the big deal losing it before then (marriage)?. Good question, cause here comes the answer, as without questions, there will be no answers.
Physically, your virginity is your seal till you exchange your wedding ring on your wedding day with your husband, which automatically becomes the seal of your covenant between you and him (your husband), Just as you go into the market and purchase a new packet shirt, its covering signifies that it is new.
Furthermore, your virginity is your pride, and you have no greater gift to give your to husband on your wedding night than your virginity.
According to the star messenger to this age William Marrion Branham, marriage under the umbrella of deceit is a basis for divorce, therefore if you give a man the impression that you are pure while you are not so that he will marry you , the man can divorce you on finding out that you are not pure (a virgin).
Note: There is the written word of God and the spoken word of God.
Remember, He the lord is coming for a spotless church that has not been contaminated with the fornication of the harlot (the doctrines of the denominational system), meaning those that are contaminated with the wine of the harlots’ fornication, will be rejected by the Lord. Eph 5:27, Rev 17:2, Rev 17:4, Rev 18:3-8.
Remember the story/parable of the ten virgins in Matt. 25:1-12 (signifying two types of Christians, the wise and the foolish. Just because the foolish one didn’t have ENOUGH OIL, meaning they had, but it wasn’t sufficient, they didn’t have enough revelation to meet the bridegroom, as the Bride of Christ should not be ignorant. Note: this is why courtship is important, as it enables you to know more about the person you are getting married to.
As a woman, if you have lost your seal (your virginity, one way or the other)….
There is yet another day for the gentiles to be saved!!!
Seek the seal for eternal life; seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
If you are still single, and you have lost your virginity, from hence forth keep yourself until marriage. Romans 6:12-13, Romans 6:19
For those of you who lost it forcefully, forget those things that are behind and reach forth to those things ahead. Philippians 3:13b.
Always know that God has a better plan for you, plans to bring you to an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11.
For those of you who don’t believe that there is God, of a truth there is a God and I pray that one day you will have an encounter with the only true ONE God.
Remember the story of Ruth in the bible, how she used what I call the combined principle which I simply define as the application of different measures to achieve one aim or purpose. She used this principle by being persistent, obedient, and without compromise. Why I call it the combined principle, none (Persistence, obedience, no compromise) would have led to the overall result of her being in the genealogy of Jesus Christ individually. In other words persistence alone is not enough, and obedience alone is not enough. For example, if she (Ruth) was persistent in following Naomi, and she didn’t obey her (Naomi) by going to Boaz in the night, she would not have been in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
Secondly, if she persisted and was obedient, but yet compromised by sleeping with him before the time, it would have been a different story all together. But she Ruth was persistent, obedient and without compromise. She didn’t say “if I no sleep with him, he no go marry me”, rather she kept her self until he was rightfully married to her, and God blessed their marriage with a child. Ruth 3:13.
Listen to me, once you are in the purpose of God for your life, you can NEVER be barren. “Godliness is profitable in this life, and in the life after” Note: Ruth is a type of the Bride of Christ. We as Christians should be persistent in following Christ unto the very end. We are to cleave unto Jesus irrespective of our situation and what may befall us. Naomi asked Ruth to return, and she didn’t (Ruth 1:12) how much more we that have Jesus saying “him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out”? John 6:37.
We should be obedient to the end, even when it sounds ridiculous; don’t wear trouser as a woman (sounds ridiculous right?) “Don’t put on earrings” (so ridiculous) then you ask yourself how will I get married if I don’t make up? Have you forgotten the scripture that says you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Psalm139:14.
Have you not seen women that are in their forties painting themselves up, and are yet single? No matter how ridiculous God’s standard sounds, just Do it!! Don’t compromise!
Do not bow to the pressure to lose your virginity before marriage (for those of you who have not lost it) because you want to get married, or because you need money (any man who truly loves you should wait till he pays your bride price before taking you to his bed).
Remember the story in the bible of a man called Modecai, who refused to bow to haman, and a book of remembrance was opened for him. Esther 6:1-10
Remember the story of the 3 Hebrew boys who refused to bow to idols, and they were delivered by the Lord. Daniel 3:16-27
Listen as women; there are two major qualities we should possess:
1.       The attractive power of the carcass.
2.       The retentive power of the rock.
No matter how far in the sky the Eagle is, the carcass has the ability to attract the Eagle. Job 39:30
Secondly, no matter where the Eagle goes to, it eventually returns to the rock to dwell. The rock retains it (the Eagle). In other words, you should be able to attract your man. Job 39:28


You can attract your man not only by your appearance, but also by:
1.       Your character - character speaks louder than words
2.       Your prayers - prayer is the key, therefore pray for him to locate you, also pray for God to open his eyes to know that you are his wife. If God didn’t open Adams eyes, he (Adam) wouldn’t have seen Eve, because he was sleeping when God created Eve. Gen. 2:21, Gen.2:23-24.
3.       Accurate positioning - you can position yourself through prayer by asking God to position you where he (your husband) will locate you.
4.       Sowing of seed – sow for his finances, sow for him to locate you.
Let me tell you a true life story. I met a South African lady who told me that she emptied her bank account, and sowed her whole month’s salary. She said when her husband came from Nigeria, girls in her Church were rushing him, she said she never rushed him, because she knew that she had already bought him with her salary.
So amazing – she finally got married to him, and the most interesting part of her story is that she married as a virgin. According to her, when her husband found out, he asked her why she didn’t tell him, and she said “it’s not a big deal to be a virgin”.
Sowing seed works!!!
Your man is to search you out. Don’t forget the scripture that says “he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing” prov.18:22. Note: The Bible never said she that findeth a husband findeth a good thing; therefore it is not ours to search, but ours to attract. (You can also retain him when he comes by your character and prayer, the two work together). For one to find, that person must have searched, let your man search you out.

Some churches believe that wearing wedding ring is part of carnality. Well here is the truth about it. Wedding ring is a part of the ornament. It is a seal of the vows exchanged between the man and the woman before the Lord on the altar. It is a seal of the covenant between the man and the woman. That is why the rings are exchanged after the marriage vows.
Just as the Holy Spirit is the seal unto eternal life, in other words, wedding ring is a type of the seal of the Holy Ghost.


1.       The foundation: The foundation of marriage should be built on the Rock of love, trust, and understanding. If there is no love, instead of enjoying your marriage, you will be enduring it. If there is no trust, there will be no peace, as there will be many accusations etc. If there is no understanding, it is as worse as two people speaking a language without mutual intelligibility.
2.       The blood line: If you want to know the kind of man your husband to be will be, get to know more about his background, his father and ancestors; cause there is something that flows in the blood e.g. Abraham loved fair women, Isaac his son loved fair women, they both lied for their wives. Sarah was barren (Abraham’s wife), Rebecca was barren (Isaac’s wife), Jacob’s second wife was also barren. The importance of finding out the kind of things that plays in his family is that you will know what you are dealing with, and whether you can handle it, as you can only prevent repetition of history by perfect knowledge of it.
3.       Preparation: Before you get into marriage, you should know how prepared you are, and you should keep preparing yourself by asking yourself these questions. - What can I tolerate? – What do I want? Get spiritually prepared – learn patience. Get mentally prepared. Get emotionally prepared (find out whether you can cope with the challenges of his profession). Develop capacity for endurance. Get physically prepared (work on your character; manage the things you can’t control). Note: Someone told me that it is what you have before getting married that you take into your marriage.
Use your gift well, as the greatest gift of a woman is PRETENCE. You might ask why I say so. Have you noticed that anytime a man’s opponent wants to bring him down, he/she uses a woman? That is because women have POWER. Those that are wise use their gift wisely, and those that are foolish use their gift foolishly Prov.14:1.
A woman could hate you and pretend to love you just to get what she wants (is it not why some girls after deceiving men call/name them mugu 20?)
We as women have the ability to pretend to any level, but let us use this ability wisely, by pretending over things that could be harmful to us and our loved ones for example if you are in a courtship, or better still if you are married, and you find out that your man is cheating on you always remember that "what you don’t know won’t hurt you". Instead of making war pretend as if you don’t know about it , and go down on your kneels and pray to God to change him.

Some people only upgrade themselves when they are single, once they get married, they decide to relax, forgetting the fact that marriage is like a moving train, and that every age has its challenges.
The only way to continue to stand out even in marriage is by CONSTANTLY upgrading yourself. Upgrade your knowledge every day, so that when challenges come, you will be positioned to face it.
For your man not to look outside, constantly upgrade yourself so that he will always have a real reason to hold on to you.
Note: It is only when you have a real reason to hold on to something, that you will hold on to it despite all odds. When he (your husband) has a real reason to hold on to you, he will never let go.

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